Employee Retention Credit
The Help You Need
A federal tax credit designed to offset taxes paid on employee wages.
The ERC is a federal tax credit designed to offset taxes paid on employee wages. Eligible firms can claim up to 50% of qualified wages for 2020 calendar year and up to 70% of qualified wages for 2021 per first 3 quarters.

What’s the Employee Retention Credit (ERC)?
The Employee Retention Credit (ERC) is a federal initiative designed to help businesses that have been impacted by the pandemic. Businesses may qualify for up to $26,000 per employee in ERC funds. Many businesses are still in need of financial assistance. One way to relieve the financial burden is through Employee Retention Credit. The ERC is a fully refundable tax credit for a percentage of the qualified wages employers paid their employees.
Does my company qualify for ERC?
Your company may qualify if:

Your company was negatively impacted by Covid pandemic

You were limited in commerce, travel, or group meetings

You have an EIN and paid federal payroll taxes

You have not yet claimed the refund

Your company received PPP funding
2020 Cares Act
50% of up to $10,000 qualified wages per year for full-time employees. Maximum credit of $5,000 per employee.
Wages total cannot include those paid by forgiven PPP loan proceeds.
70% of up to $10,000 qualified wages per quarter for all 2021 quarters.
Maximum credit of $26,000 per employee.
Wages total cannot include those paid by forgive PPP loan proceeds
Is your company leaving money on the table?
Retroactive to the March 27, 2020, enactment of the CARES Act, the law now allows employers who received Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans to claim the ERC for qualified wages that are not treated as payroll costs in obtaining forgiveness of the PPP loan.

There are two ways a business can qualify:
You are running out of time to claim your credit.
A full or partial suspension of business operations as a result of government order.
Partial shutdown example – in-door dining was not allowed at a restaurant, but take-out was available
Full shutdown example – under the CA stay at home order, child day care centers were completely closed
A significant decline in revenue is defined as:
For 2020
A 50% decline in revenues in any quarter compared to the same quarter in 2019
For 2021
A 20% decline in revenues in any quarter compared to the same quarter in 2019
We process all the ERTC paperwork for you…
With our three step process.
- 1.
Step One
First, we dedicate a team to perform a comprehensive analysis by quarter to determine the maximum amount we can potentially qualify a company for.
- 2.
Step Two
Next, we schedule a one-on-one interview with senior counsel from the law firm that Premier has engaged to provide an Attorney Eligibility Letter for each of our clients. The firm referenced is comprised of former IRS trial attorneys that specialize exclusively in tax matters.
- 3.
Step Three
Once the Financial and Legal part of our process is complete, we fill out the 941-Xs on the client’s behalf, sign them, and file them with the IRS. The tax law firm preparing the tax audit file submits a power of attorney to the IRS and confirms that the amended returns are received and processed. If any issues arise, they deal directly with the IRS to resolve them. We track and seamlessly manage the entire process from inception to when they receive their refund. Finally, once payment is received, we provide the entire package for the CPA and their client to process the amended returns for 2020 and/or 2021 that need to be completed.
We work exclusively on a success fee arrangement; if the client doesn’t receive a refund, then they will never receive and invoice for any of the accounting or legal completed!
Understand why we provide the best ERC tax credit solutions to give your business a competitive edge.
Business owners are rewarded for their efforts to keep employees during the pandemic. Find out in 60 seconds if you can uncover lucrative tax credits. Discover the most lucrative tax credits for your business.
ERC is a refundable payroll tax credit. This credit derived from the same CARES Act as PPP. Its aim is to provide economic relief for small and medium size businesses who retained employees during the COVID-19 pandemic. In the early stages of this credit initially, it did not allow businesses to qualify for ERC and PPP. However, subsequent laws in 2020 and 2021 allowed businesses to qualify for both subject to certain conditions, eligible employers could only take either PPP, or ERC. In 2021, as part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, Congress amended this provision, allowing businesses to apply for both.
PPP was heavily marketed by the SBA, while ERC is claimed directly through the US Treasury. It is our goal to educate you and obtain for your business the payroll tax refund that you are entitled to.
There are around 100,000 pages of tax code; it’s impossible to be an expert on all of them. We retained a tax law firm that specializes in tax law to advise. We take the time to learn about each business to make sure we properly qualify them for the appropriate quarters.
It’s a refund of payroll taxes. It’s money due to YOU! There are no limitations on how you use it and it is not a loan.
Both Essential and Non-essential businesses alike can qualify, and a decline in revenue is not required. Both Essential and Non-essential businesses may qualify if they experienced a decline in revenue OR experienced disruptions or modifications due to Covid-19 orders.
Our work will be completed within 10 business days of receiving your documents. You’ll receive refund checks from the US Treasury per quarter filed in 5 – 8 months depending upon backlog. The longer you wait, the longer it will take!
Our team has already recovered millions of dollars in refunds that businesses were entitled to. You may qualify as your previous analysis may have been incomplete or not have considered subsequent laws and guidance regarding the credit.
Let’s Meet
Contact us or submit a form to see if you qualify.